Sensory Musical Story Time Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this performance only for those with autism or can anyone attend?
A: Autism-Friendly Performances are intended primarily for families with members on the autism spectrum. In addition to altering the performance to cater to those with sensory issues, our goal of this program is to provide a safe, judgment-free, comfortable experience for the entire audience.
Q: What accommodations will there be? How is it different from other performances at the Library?
A: The Autism-Friendly accommodations are:
1. Lights remain on, but dimmed inside the library
2. Comfortable volume and consistent sound levels, elimination of loud sound effects. Instruments will be muted.
3. Audience members are free to talk and leave their seat under parental/caregiver supervision - if you feel it is making an impact on others' experience during the performance, we encourage you to come and go as needed.
Q: Will it be noisy during the show?
A: Music levels are made to be more comfortable and consistent without abrupt spikes in volume or jarring sound effects.
Q: How can I prepare my audience member for the performance at the library?
A: A video and social story will be coming soon to help your audience members become more familiar with the grounds and the interior of the library.
Q: I have a question not addressed here. Who may I contact?
A: Please feel free to contact us:
Dawn Marie Edwards, Artistic/Education Director
Email: [email protected]
A: Autism-Friendly Performances are intended primarily for families with members on the autism spectrum. In addition to altering the performance to cater to those with sensory issues, our goal of this program is to provide a safe, judgment-free, comfortable experience for the entire audience.
Q: What accommodations will there be? How is it different from other performances at the Library?
A: The Autism-Friendly accommodations are:
1. Lights remain on, but dimmed inside the library
2. Comfortable volume and consistent sound levels, elimination of loud sound effects. Instruments will be muted.
3. Audience members are free to talk and leave their seat under parental/caregiver supervision - if you feel it is making an impact on others' experience during the performance, we encourage you to come and go as needed.
Q: Will it be noisy during the show?
A: Music levels are made to be more comfortable and consistent without abrupt spikes in volume or jarring sound effects.
Q: How can I prepare my audience member for the performance at the library?
A: A video and social story will be coming soon to help your audience members become more familiar with the grounds and the interior of the library.
Q: I have a question not addressed here. Who may I contact?
A: Please feel free to contact us:
Dawn Marie Edwards, Artistic/Education Director
Email: [email protected]