"We Are One-Mitakuye Oyasin"
“We Are One-Mitakuye Oyasin” features more than 200 area children singing in Lakota and English with local Lakota singer/songwriter, Sequoia Crosswhite. Each child was individually recorded and combined into a video choir. The project was a chance for each child to be a part of something larger than themselves in creating a legacy to the Black Hills while learning about the area culture and heritage. Through participation, the children are creating a stronger sense of community and self-worth.
“We Are One-Mitakuye Oyasin” features more than 200 area children singing in Lakota and English with local Lakota singer/songwriter, Sequoia Crosswhite. Each child was individually recorded and combined into a video choir. The project was a chance for each child to be a part of something larger than themselves in creating a legacy to the Black Hills while learning about the area culture and heritage. Through participation, the children are creating a stronger sense of community and self-worth.
This great project was made possible with the support of the National Arts Endowment, South Dakota Community Foundation, Vurcurevich Foundation and many more generous donors.