Discovery of Strings and Harp
at General Beadle
Discovery of Strings:
Through the generous support of the John T. Vucurevich Foundation and Classics for Kids Foundation, the CMFBH provides string instruments and free instruction to all participating students at General Beadle Discovery.
Discovery of Harps:
Through the generous support of Dickie Fleisher of Naples, FL, the CMFBH provides 5 lever harps and free instruction to all participating students at General Beadle Discovery.
All students participate in lessons, ensemble and music classes that incorporate basic core studies. All taught by our professional musicians.
CMFBH helps to foster the talent of the underrepresented string players across Rapid City.
Announcing the 3rd Annual International South Dakota Harp Competition
July 16, 1:00 PM at General Beadle School.
Through the generous support of the John T. Vucurevich Foundation and Classics for Kids Foundation, the CMFBH provides string instruments and free instruction to all participating students at General Beadle Discovery.
Discovery of Harps:
Through the generous support of Dickie Fleisher of Naples, FL, the CMFBH provides 5 lever harps and free instruction to all participating students at General Beadle Discovery.
All students participate in lessons, ensemble and music classes that incorporate basic core studies. All taught by our professional musicians.
CMFBH helps to foster the talent of the underrepresented string players across Rapid City.
Announcing the 3rd Annual International South Dakota Harp Competition
July 16, 1:00 PM at General Beadle School.